Atlantic waves Gloucester, MAAtlantic waves Gloucester, MASummer surf along the back shore of Gloucester.

Silver Falls State Park, Oregon with the Canon G15

June 20, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Yesterday my son John and I had a wonderful time visiting a spectacular state park that boasts 10 waterfalls. It was the coolest thing to see. We got a late start so the sun was in a horrible position for photography but we managed to get some nice shots even with the nasty hotspots. Next time I come out here for a visit I will be a little more prepared. When I am hiking I still like to carry my Canon G15. It is so light and has a great zoom range with a 28mm 1.8 lens at the wide end and a 140mm 2.8 at the long end. I got to use a lot of the features of this camera. All the shots in the gallery are with the G15 not the Leica M9. I am going to load all the M9 work when I get home and really do a good job of working on them for a book. 

The Canon G15 was really awesome, did I say that already? Well it's true. The only thing missing was the tripod and the electronic release. Since the lens only stops down to f8 I had to use the built-in ND filters to shoot at 1/6 of a sec to slow down the waterfalls. Most of the time I just went with 1/30 sec since that's what our eyes and brain perceive things at. 

My son had his Canon SL1 with him with the kit lens the 18-55 which did a great job in the woods and of the waterfalls. He had a light cheap Vivitar tripod with him and he was able to shoot at 1/4 sec at f22 which made a huge difference. Of course we left the electronic release back at his apartment.  Here is the link to 12 of the photos. There are more but I will wait until I get back before I add to the gallery.

Here is the link Oregon Gallery



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