Since I started my career in photography 37 years ago I have looked for light that strikes me immediately. I often find myself shooting against it as I love the way it looks. The rim lighting and shadows that it creates enthrall me, it's always the first image I look for. Last night I was at a TV studio to shoot a debate and I made the usual images with my Canon gear but I made it a point to bring along the M9 with the 35 f2. The first thing I saw struck me as a moment in time that people don't see. As folks were sitting down in the audience they were silhouetted against the lights in the studio. The M9 is great for this as you get to see everything around you and can see more than you can with the DSLR. I made this shot quickly and it was the only time I was able to get such an interesting image from the event. I made a manual WB exposure before hand and the ISO is at 1600.
Exposure ISO 1600 1/160s @ f2