Atlantic waves Gloucester, MAAtlantic waves Gloucester, MASummer surf along the back shore of Gloucester.

Shooting with two cameras - the best of both worlds Leica M9 Sony Nex-7

May 05, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Yesterday I had a great time photographing a very small play rehearsal for a friend. They needed some promo shots for the paper and I said sure why not. I knew that I would get a chance to shoot with two cameras with things going on around me. A feast of imagery. The play is about Albert Schweitzer and his obsession with classical music and his other obsession which was building a hospital in Africa. 

So here's the story - the Leica M9 with the 28mm Elmarit V.1 and the Sony Nex-7 with the Leica 90 mm Tele Elmarit which makes it a 135 f2.8. These cameras are tiny in comparison to the giant Canon L glass laden behemoths I usually travel with. I carried the M9 around my neck and the Nex-7 on my right shoulder. Everything was very easy to use and nothing got tangled up and no switching lenses what a joy.


albert-2Sony Nex-7 w/ Leica 90mm

The director talks with Albert about what is expected of him during his performance.

I decided to show one of each in this post. The Sony Nex-7 with the Leica 90 mm is really unbelievable as you can see above. So small and easy to use, wow I can't wait to travel with it. 

albert-3Leica M9 w/ 28mm Elmarit V.1

Here the Leica M9 with the 28 mm is perfect to use for this assignment. With it around my neck up it comes for the shot at any time. The longer shots are also quite easy as I can pull the Nex-7 around off my right shoulder very easily. When I am just walking around I tend to carry them both on a shoulder with the cameras hidden by my arm and hands which are in a coat or pants pocket.


With these two cameras I matched the exposure and was happy to see they did a great job. As you know the M9 has issues with mixed light and AWB and in this case did a reasonable job but still had the tell-tale green cast at times. I was going to put it into manual WB mode but decided against it since I was shooting in RAW. The Sony Nex-7 had no such issues and produced good WB though out the images. Overall I felt a conversion to B&W was the answer as you can see here. I did not put them through Silver Efex Pro2 as I had intended and may try that tonight we'll see how it goes.


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